Sup! My name is Gabriel

I' m an Infra Blockchain Architect & investor

But what does that mean? Well, it means I'm crazy for CRYPTO and I'm willing to risk my ass with high conviction that the future will be hyper-tokenized.

How did I get here? I started my own web2 software company 13 years ago, then I fell into the rabbit hole of cryptography and focused full-time (24/7) on web3 and cryptocurrencies.

Now I'm an investor helping ambitious teams with disruptive ideas that leverage distributed ledger technology to create the next big thing.

With scientific breakthroughs such as zero-knowledge proofs, multi-party computation, and homomorphic encryption, entire unexplored design spaces have been unlocked and I'm here to support them fiercely.

Besides funding teams, I also enjoy being an advisor, helping with decision-making, connections, and getting involved when needed.

Some of my portfolio companies include: OlympusDAO (3,3) MinswapMaladexLiqwid Celestia and more...

My time and energy are best invested with people who understand where we need to go. Is it a cash grab? Taking advantage of the system? Are you just chasing money? I'm sorry, but you've come to the wrong place.

In any case, I think there are better things to discuss than my track record or a particular skill set because although we choose different paths in life, we are all HUMAN in the end.

But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we are all the same or some hippie bullshit. I'm saying that the most important part of someone's life is their philosophy, and there are better ways to know someone. At a deeper level.

I mean, would you like to have someone within your organization without morals? without ethics? An investor/advisor who only cares about money? A team member who has the right skills but doesn't really understand life? Exactly.

I'm talking about your SOUL, personality, inner-self or whatever you like to call it and it's fragmented in a broad spectrum of things that make out who you are.

Here are 33 (beliefs, quotes, and mantras) that I live by. They should give you an overall sense of who I am. Some are mine and some from other good thinkers that I like. They all helped build my character and are deeply rooted within me.

  1. Decision-making is the meta-skill. Even with superb routines and efficiency, you can’t outwork 100 ppl. But you can have superior judgment that stacks up and compound.

  2. We're a bunch of primates in a totally unnatural environment. Understanding our biological bodies and why are they still primitive will pay off.

  3. There is nothing as brutal as an unregulated market. ——— No rules, just greed.

  4. The successful among us delay gratification and bargain with the future. The fight between what you want now and what you really want.

  5. Advanced artificial intelligence will have fragmented power with multiple different opinions and its going to regulate itself as our society does.

  6. Markets are a jungle【natural selection with a mad emphasis on intelligence】. And you know what? There’s no love in the jungle.

  7. Discipline will set you free.

  8. The biggest risk when forecasting is that you want something to be true so badly that the range of your forecast isn't even in the same ballpark as reality. Invest without bias.

  9. Extreme people get extreme results. You can’t be normal and expect abnormal returns.

  10. How we choose to Feel->Think->Act will lead us to Act->Think->Feel which leads that to... ——— Circular causality.

  11. The only thing that helps you fight your fear is competence. Not mommy. Not daddy. One day, they will be gone. And then it is on you to hold the line.

  12. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Which I like to think it’s referring to people playing social games trying to improve social standing and basically winning stupid social prizes which are worthless.

  13. Nothing is more important than sleeping when you talk about improving yourself. The dream committee Transfers information between hippocampus and cortex.

  14. The true method of knowledge is experiment and some lessons have to be experienced before they can be understood.

  15. When investing you must identify the price of success ——— volatility, and loss amid the long backdrop of growth ——— Be willing to pay for it.

  16. Science and spirituality are NOT mutually exclusive.

  17. Competition drives evolution.

  18. Be unapologetically obsessive about the things you love.

  19. Our lives are defined by the positive impact we have on others.

  20. Environmental protection is compatible with economic growth.

  21. There is a cycle of economic abuse. Identify it and Fight for it to be broken.

  22. He who has a WHY to live for can bear almost any HOW.

  23. Struggle makes a man. Not growing a beard. Not grilling rare steaks. Not drinking hoppy IPAs while watching UFC on the weekends. Struggle and hardship. Zero shortcuts. Embrace the pain.

  24. Privacy allows individuals to make decisions free of coercion.

  25. Being rich is having money; Being wealthy is having time. The purpose of wealth is freedom.

  26. Narrow artificial intelligence will be our greatest source of creative work.

  27. The ultimate test of your knowledge is your ability to convey it to another.

  28. There are only two ways of creating value, either you work or you risk.

  29. Tragedy has a way of vanquishing anger.

  30. Owning myspace equity doesn't make you facebook rich. Tech change, be prepared to make the jump.

  31. We are a result of our consequences.

  32. A meaningful, psychologically healthy life is an examined one.

  33. Mistakes pay off. Reflect -> Learn -> Develop. || You fuck up -> You move on -> You do better.


If you resonated then contact me

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